How technology has changed our life?

2 min readMar 12, 2021

People are becoming smarter and smarter every single day. So is the technology. It’s so crazy to think how advance we are becoming day by day, and whenever we think about it, we always want to know how it all began. How from a planet where no one hadn’t any idea about technology to a planet where everything is easy, fast, and safe. I mean it’s hard to believe how people from the past have spent their time without a phone or computer where today we can’t even live without it.

So talking about the topic, how technology has changed our life?

we will start from the easy ones to hard ones:

  • Communication from very far away [today, we have call apps, WhatsApp, telegram, discord, and so on. And for us, it’s so easy to communicate with each other even though they are very far away. But it wasn’t like this before, in fact, there was no way to communicate with others from very that far away. They had to use letters to send any sort of message to their lovers. So once again I thank technology for this wholesome way to communicate with others and because of the technology, we can’t even feel alone from our lovers.
  • Safer vehicles [if you see today’s cars ( such as Mercedes, BMW, Tesla, etc), You’ll notice a bunch of safety features: the computer system, autopilot system, safety airbags, auto brake system, and so on. But if you see an old car, you’ll notice that it’s not safe: there’s no computer system, autopilot, auto brakes, and it’s not safe enough to save you from a crash cause you’ll notice that the steel isn’t strong enough. But luckily, nowadays, vehicles such as cars, planes, etc, have safety features and engineers are always trying to make vehicles even safer than it is now.
  • HD films, movies, and TV [So if you ask an old man: How the films, movies, and TV series were when you are younger? They’ll say: The films were black and white, low resolution, we watched movies on a fat television, and also the audio wasn’t that good. Now, look today! Films, movies, and tv series, all kinds of video are Colored, high resolution, and better audio quality. And we watch on a flat television. That’s right, from a flat television, how cool is that!

Anyway, these are just a few examples of how technology has changed our life, i mean a lot. And engineers are always trying to make our life even easier and safer. If you watch on youtube “the evolution of any sort of technology”, you will be so satisfied to watch it!

For you what kind of technology is making your life easier?




I am Stefano Gallo. I live in Rome (near Olgiata), Italy. My only passion is to write about life :)